
Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Reorganization

If you were to randomly survey a group of people about the biggest problems facing the world today, they would probably come up with as many answers as the people you surveyed. This would not be surprising to anyone. But if you were to ask them what could be done to change the world, most would merely shrug his or her shoulders and offer a sardonic response and offer little more. But you, dear Ones, have a model in your Heart and Soul that provides a comparative base from which you know the Truth and the difference between the organization of the upper Dimensions of the Universe, “heaven,” and man’s current organization of Earth. Your response may initially sound too convoluted with Love for most people today but internally, dear Ones, you already have an idea how Mother Earth will be reorganized for the Fifth Dimension.

In the next few years Mother Earth will be initiating the Changes needed to transform her Life supporting superstructure to replicate the other Life Supporting Centers, the Creator Planets, of the upper Dimensions of the Universe. Much of Mother Earth’ s replicating process of the upper Dimensions of the Universe will be conducted in tandem with Mother Earth and Lightworker Souls assisting God with the Growth and Expansion process of the Universe. Internally all Lightworker Souls will know his or her part but may feel out of sync in doing so, for such a large and expansive plan has never been attempted before! All you will have to do, dear Ones, is allow God Source to lead you into what you will do and trust that the others who may be involved with your Project of Light will be around the next corner to assist you. You will find that there will be no “coincidences” in the next few months with other Lightworker Souls as the Reorganization of Mother Earth begins in earnestness!

Beginning from November 26 through December 19, 2014, and especially from December 2 to December 19, 2014, Mother Earth’s Transformation will begin the process of replicating herself as a model of “heaven” in the upper Dimensions of the Universe. The process will move rapidly for the next two and a half years then begin a more gradual pace once Mother Earth’s superstructure is completed in March 2017. In the end no one and nothing will be left untouched by the Universal Energies in Mother Earth’s quest to Transform into a model of the upper Dimensions of the Universe! Man of Destiny Souls will be moved out of the way as there is already a subtle Energy in the works from November 1, 2014 through February 7, 2015 that will only allow Man of Destiny Souls to watch and learn in the process, nothing else! In watching and learning some Man of Destiny Souls will evolve into Man of Light Souls in order to prepare him or herself to progress into Unity with God status and assist your Projects until February 7, 2015, when you and the others of the Legion of Light assume leadership in assisting in Mother Earth’s direction.

Mother Earth’s Transformation process in itself will create as many problems as are currently facing the world today, but they will be of a totally different nature for Man of Destiny Souls – learning an unfamiliar territory and who to trust. Mother Earth’s process will make your Projects of Light flow easily for you, dear Ones, but for Man of Destiny Souls it will begin a new learning process to effectively become Spiritually accustomed and acclimated with the New Reality on Mother Earth. It will be a trying and difficult transition for some Man of Destiny Souls but the biggest problem Man of Destiny Souls will face will be to learn how to use God’s Currency of Love with the Power of Creation. 

For the next two and a half years Mother Earth’s Transformation will open up the Creator World for all Souls by producing an enhancement of her Creator Planet status, thus compelling all Souls to learn to use God’s Currency of Love along with the Power of Creation. Effectively, this will bring an end to the economic system as we know it. Without the understanding or foreknowledge of the value of God’s Currency of Love to Create his or her Joy in Living, Man of Destiny Souls will at first panic and move into fear, little realizing that he or she has just been freed from the debt bondage of man’s economic system! The Creator World will activate for all Souls in Unity with God and those who realize the True potency of God’s Currency of Love on December 8, 2014!

Beginning on December 8, 2014 nothing upon Earth will ever be the same! God’s Presence Energy will follow the Activation of the Creator World on December 10, 2014. From December 10, 2014 onward you will never have to feel isolated or alone, if such feelings ever overcome you from time to time, for God the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the Universe will be by your side! Your Pathway and Projects of Light and Love will begin to adhere with the Harmony of the Universe in order to begin Mother Earth’s replication of the upper Dimensions of the Universe through you and your Creations! In this way will you assist God in the process of producing growth and expansion upon Mother Earth in words that only the feeling of Love could describe!